Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Rebar Foreman Position for Central Singapore

Accredited agency of SACRED HEART INTERNATIONAL SERVICES, INC is looking skilled Rebar Foreman for Central, Singapore. Please apply immediately to the address given below.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Electrician bound to Singapore

Interested and competent applicants may send their update resume, Certificate of training and Employment certificate at ric@subnet-group.com. You can apply immediately to the address given below.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Chemical Technician - Singapore

Singapore employment is seeking skilled and energetic applicants for 10 Chemical Technician position. Qualified applicants are need to apply at: ( full photo credits to www. www.eco.ca )

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Steel Fixer / Bender - Central Singapore

One of our client in Central, Singapore is looking skilled workers for Steel Fixer / Bender position. If you are applying and don't forget to bring all the requirements below, must be in 3 sets A4 size bond paper (clear copy. For further information, call their hotline numbers provided below. Hurry Up.